Tuesday, October 27

Not that kind of cake

Well, I am just getting over all the food I ate Sunday for the baby shower.  I can't even describe how much there was, it was simply monstrous and also really good so that helped make it disappear at the end.  If I get any pics back I'll put them on my flickr, especially of the diaper cake that Brooke made since it was so cute!  My cousin's daughter kept asking if we could cut the cake, I wanted to tell her that if babies wore real cake on their bums it would be a very different world! It was just not that kind of cake. 

So the nursery is full of furniture, little clothes and tiny diapers that smell nice, and a Bumbo!  No idea why I am so excited about the last one but I am.  It's a sickness! and I won't bore you with it. I had a great time though.

Now if my pumpkins will not disintegrate before Halloween gets here.. that would be great.

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