Monday, June 16


The weekend was pretty nice, we biked a lot of it - in fact mostly unintentional 18K "we got lost" 4-hour ride but as soon as we were pretty sure we would survive it was fun! Yesterday we took my Dad and Grandparents out to dinner for Father's Day/Also Birthday. As a side note: don't you just love it when the waitress at fancy-pants restaurants seem like they can't conceal their hatered for their job any longer? I'm not saying they should just LOVE getting me food but honestly, love it a bit more than the chick at Appleby's ok? Love that you didn't have to get anyone crayons at my table or sing when it's someone's birthday.

Anyway on the way to dinner my newly 70 year old grandpa got to test out his present, the TomTom GPS navigator thing. It's pretty damn accurate and apparently can read you audio books, hook up to your phone, find all the gas stations and bank machines, play music and give you a Sweedish massage. Alright that last one, not so much, but by the end of the trip all the men in my life decided they now can no longer find their way around anywhere without one.

My Dad also bought me this MagicJack thing and I'm trying to get it working at my house - something about my router is giving me probs - I guess it's like Skype but I get a phone number from California! I uh.. am a fan of their shutters? Other gadgets I'm a fan of recently: the new Sony Vaio seems to be so kick-ass that I almost don't mind it runs Vista! Lastly, I'm considering buying the Yaris as my new car - regardless of how absolutely Euro that seems. This is how I see it. When you get into a car accident, rather than go the other dumber way which is to need to drive a Hummer (aka a fucking pimp tractor) so you can DESTROY the next car that hits you, instead I want a car so fuel efficient that if I survive I can chase them in their car till they run out of gas, beat the hell out of them and leave them stranded then drive myself back home and then to Chicago to buy myself a celebratory "kill" pizza.

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