Wednesday, November 12

Rockband, Quantum Leap and Charlie Brown

Nothing makes you feel like a failure at taking fun seriously like having a random person join your band as EXPERT BASE and blow your mind with the flurry.. nay.. a seizure of notes. Just saying: when you're that good, trolling at midnight for virtual bands, I think you need to just go ahead and invest that time into playing an actual instrument. Much more impressive at parties, which you will now be invited to probably.

So I am now the lead guitar in the indie-n00b Rockband called "the too spookies" .. coined from the most lovable 3yr olds constant association with all things Halloween and/or night related.

Speaking of fun.

So Andrea called me this afternoon to tell me about landing herself in the hospital in Banff with a concussion from skiing yesterday.  I'd like to think that's because she went without me, and I would have prevented it somehow but I am very glad she is ok.  Her description of a concussion was great though:  you have no idea how you got where you are, and why you're there.. like quantum leap.  Also everyone sounds like the teacher from Charlie Brown.  Wah wahh wah wahh.  Oh I love Charlie Brown.. so prolific it can be applied to anything in life.  Especially accidents.  Uhh, have a great day everyone, stay out of trouble and away from snow and ice :)

There are three things in life that people like to stare at: a flowing stream, a crackling fire and a Zamboni clearing the ice.
- Charlie Brown

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