Friday, October 4

“Oh The Places You’ll D’oh”

I've had an entire bottle of Domaine Bousquet Malbec, so clearly it's time to talk about the very likely final episode of The Simpsons Treehouse of Horrors XXIV

I've been watching this show since I was in grade school, where my friend Andrea and I would literally get on the phone after school and watch together in total silence until commercial breaks.  And the Halloween Specials are so awesome we still call each other about them.  It wouldn't be so weird to say I'd get some matching XXIV tattoos soon; maybe while on the phone across the country.  Either way I'm pretty excited for the epic Treehouse that is coming, as well as the end of the series.

I'm reminded by my son Ethan all the time of my own tendency to want anything amazing/loved to last forever.  We went to Yogurty's for no real reason other than it was a nice weather night and he remarked before he finished his dessert .. when are we coming back?  When's the next ____?  Sleepover, party, playdate, etc.  Ask me if I had a good time!  Very typical of him to say.

The best things about life are the things you forget to enjoy, and the fact that you can't make it all last forever is sometimes the very best part.

“So be sure when you step, Step with care and great tact. And remember that life's A Great Balancing Act. And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed) 
Kid, you'll move mountains.”  
― Dr. SeussOh, The Places You'll Go!

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