Wednesday, September 17

Crazy number 33

Crazy number 33, originally uploaded by anna potatoes.

I forgot to post a few pics from the summer. There was a great night where Sean, Wes and I went to a Jays vs Boston game (for any Toronto sports fans, it was the game where they had the game get so out of control that they bumped their pitcher back to the minors).

So this was just a regular guy who decided to dress in a FULL baseball uniform. Pants, socks and shoes! He hung around the ticket booth at the end of the game and then RAN AWAY into traffic.

Maybe he was afraid of missing the bus back to the cornfield of dreams.

It was also funny how only Wes, in a sea of Boston fans, got randomly yelled at so many times to "go back to where you come from" ... you mean, Hamilton? Wes' all-star comeback was even better. "yeah well I've seen better stadiums". What? lol.

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