Anyway, many foods were cooked, baked, dipped and eaten, and my friend Brooke is finally in Edmonton. It was fun to get together with everyone for the start of summer while we were at it, too. In fact other than Brooke leaving me FOREVER and my being so upset saying bye to her that I accidentally drove home with my emergency brake on the entire time, and wondering if something was on fire.. this summer is great. I already have probably the best tan ever, after also accidentally getting a totally WEIRD sunburn on the parts of my skin that had no sunscreen on and never see sun. AKA my armpits/side boob.
I literally have to tan the tops of my shoulders more to make it all match. Annnnd.. instead of writing 'accidentally' I should just say this is the kind of stuff that routinely happens to me. I try to start the car with my bank card when I'm tired, I don't know how to operate my camera, I get a sunburn every year, I forget my emergency break when I'm upset. I'm old enough to own these things, this is just who I am!
On the night I went to go help Brooke pack, aka I wasn't going to see her after that, we drank some wine and went through book sorting and a pile of letters I wrote her in high school. I swear she is holding onto them just to make sure I never think I'm cool ever again; I thought I was cool last week and I definitely do not anymore. She insisted I read some since I knew she was looking forward to it, out loud of course, and holy crap why was anyone even friends with me??! A couple of them were so angst-y I was in emo-shock reading them! Usually I love to embarrass myself but I've decided not from a teenage me, "Teen-Marie" was just way too much fun coupled with "if I didn't know who wrote these I'd say she has some serious problems"! It was a fun evening though, and I have some new books to read for the cottage. The sad part didn't really sink in too much until me and a sleeping Kieran left her apartment and I realized he'd be a year and a half the next time she saw him. Uhh.. that's just a big reminder of how much this sucks.
I was reminded pretty serendipitously of a quote often used for graduations that I thought about a lot when Andrea moved to Calgary a few years ago, and quoted. Then last week someone happened to google search it to get here which reminded me of it's greatness and how it applies to all the changes that come up in your life. I know it will be all good because, overall, it always is.
Enjoy summer, errbody.
Your days are short here; this is the last of your springs. And now in the serenity and quiet of this lovely place, touch the depths of truth, feel the hem of Heaven. You will go away with old, good friends. And don't forget when you leave why you came.
Adlai E. Stevenson
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