I'd nearly forgotten how traumatizing it was to get glasses for myself... I'll admit I came home and suddenly I was totally less attractive than I thought (or so I thought, since that's IMPOSSIBLE) and life was just about over because nobody would ever think I was cool again.. boohoo. The reason this is funny for me is I wasn't actually ever worried about being cool, but I was positive if it were to happen, wearing glasses would be why. Squinting hard, as I realized later, probably made me look less cool than the glasses though. Let's just interject that once again I am somewhat relieved I do not have to raise a girl because as far as I'm aware teenage girls are all drama, expensive purses and mind games.
I really hadn't realized my birthday was so soon (unlike the throwback from last year - almost exactly at this time too) if it weren't for my friend Sharmy ..since it's also her birthday in March so she made a highschool album on facebook and tagged us. It was awesome so I'll share it, because that's what I do.
Why am I so fucking excited? Was I that excited all the time? Also I love how Joe and I are so matchy matchy with the sparkle black tie and dress. Formal win!
Her and I in the summer. I hope she comes to visit again so I can actually drink with everyone and we can chat about mommyhood and how epic these pics are. I might even do a recreation of how utterly asleep I look in one of the pics she has, when really I was just comically hammered. Totally made my day a lot more funny. Seeing as it also involved an OB/GYN exam earlier, I'd say I needed it! Tooooo muuuuuch infoooo.
On the dark side of it.. ah I forgot I'm turning 28. Crapballs. Amazing crapballs. I am thinking of planning something big for my longtime friends and I for our 30th. Hmmm. Yes I think it's a must.
Just the other day I realized 2010 is our reunion year, too.
"And I definitely would have gone to my reunion, but the boat I was educated on sank"
- 30 Rock
I say we go somewhere all inclusive and hot or rent a cabin in the cold! Those are my ideas!!!
I see your ideas and I raise you 1 MILLION DOLLARS.. I mean 1 all-inclusive Caribbean cruise!
Seriously, bundle all our 30ths if we have to but this is happening!!!
FOR SURE!!!!! I think I should be able to afford a real trip in two years! LOL
PS you free tomorrow night???
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