Friday, August 29

Long Weekend

{Mad Men - Episode 10: Long Weekend}

2008 has been a pretty interesting summer, with all the heat, rain, hail and whatnot of the suburban apocalypse. I'm glad the last weekend is a LONG weekend since it's basically full of stuff to do; the annual Family Picnic, Georgetown BBQ hopefully, fun at the EX, and a mildly fun wedding meeting - depending on how much wine they serve ;)

Tonight Sean and I have a date with Whole Foods after work to do a little shopping and pick up my ring at Knar. So far I love shopping at Whole Foods and have decided I will miss it if we do buy another house somewhere else. When my Dad came with us he bought a lot of stuff, even a $25 T-Bone steak! If I had not mentioned he is a vegetarian, but mainly for animal treatment reasons. His review is, for the money, it's a twice a year thing lol .. but he enjoyed it so I was happy about that. I'm glad I could introduce him to a store that he has a lot more choice in what he can have. As for myself, after using the Henna shampoo I have to say it is really shiny - even Sean says so - apparently he'd been using it too! The only thing I don't love that we've bought so far is the Vega smoothie mix.. it's really not that great tasting although you feel great. I've been using it this week to stave off a cold that is trying to latch on to me. I'd just stick to the powder and bars for all my healthy needs.

Just thought I'd finish up my product reviews there. Hey, I'm here to help if I can.

I was thinking about how sad I'd be when summer ended, but really as much as I do love summer and the sun and all that warm goodness... for me the time of year I feel best at, for some reason, has always been fall. The start of a season, nomatter which, is always my favourite day.
I thought about this yesterday which was rather cool and figured maybe what I enjoy are the sweaters or the bright colours, or start of school - but whatever the reason I inately just feel good inside when it's fall. I almost can't wait for that day. Brooke noticed on our walk that despite the sun, the trees were already turning colours. I suppose it's the only reason the end of summer doesn't make me all that sad - there's always something better to look forward to.

On that note, enjoy the long weekend everyone. Stay out of trouble!

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