I hope Canada Day was great for everybody.. I know I enjoyed the neighborhood fireworks last night on our walk. You'd think out here people wouldn't be putting on their own shows in the middle of the street but if you thought that you would be wrong. A number of people bought out a whole Mexican village full of fireworks and set them all off in pot planters right next to their huge houses and freakishly unafraid kids. How scary/fun!
I think the best part of the night though was passing by a house that had a full stretch limo parked in their long driveway. Now that's luxurious! lol. We have many running jokes around here about the residents of Oakville - like ordering a pizza with blood diamonds as toppings, ordering a fake pizza that needs to smell and look real but be completely inedible etc. So seeing a full stretch limo parked in someone's driveway was totally awesome, and begged the question - what came first? the limo or the oversized driveway?
Anyhow, actually I did all of my real celebrating on Monday due to a very long, complicated issue being resolved that day for me. My baby bought me a nice dress, had some champagne, wine, then Wes came over with *Stacey and we went out to Boston Pizza to celebrate the hell out of their fishbowls full of alcohol. It only takes 2 of those to make me retarded and I forgot to bring home Sean's dessert, he went to bed, and I decided I really needed another beer for absolutely no reason. Thank God for Canada Day... my sleepy hangover day!
I don't regret the celebrating part since there's been a whole lot of things going my way lately so it was really called for. Invitations are done and being mailed out (and my grandma actually complimented me on them! WOW), made a bunch of money for something that was broken, my burn is on the really tan side and it's barely July! the cottage is at the end of the month and there's new owners this year and a bunch of new stuff, there was a new Weeds to watch, found an awesome photgrapher - cake - minister, and just getting a coffee at Starbucks at almost closing time after fireworks scored us like $30 sandwiches! Apparently they have to throw them away and the girl hates doing that, so we got free lunch today! Yaaay.
*She said I could call her Stacey, which was awesome
1 comment:
hey happy 4th of july to everyone.
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