Wednesday, May 21

Cute and Angry

Cute and Angry, originally uploaded by anna potatoes.

I hope some people have seen the Dr. Seuss movie Horton Hears a Who... not that it will stop me from telling this story!

So Ethan here has seen the movie a number of times and I have to say it's a pretty good movie, however, when you show a 2 year old with an imagination this elaborate story about people living on flowers you get: yelling into a dandelion so fiercely that there is actual yellow residue left on his mouth as if he half-ate it seen in this pic.

He really must think they're assholes because none of them have talked back yet. Not only do I enjoy beyond belief when he makes angry expressions, but I never tire of watching as he runs into this large field full of these dandelions which you can see in the pic and "carefully" picks out "the one" just like Horton does. I mean really, you have to see it, but I assure you it's unbelievably adorable.

Also, yay for figuring out how to blog a flickr photo!!

In other "news" (as in it's new, not that it's real news): I now own a Lululemon black scuba hoodie and it IS in fact crazy-awesome. Especially so since I got it for super-cheap and I really need it for bike riding this summer. I've decided I can own ridiculous things as long as I myself don't turn into Miss Lululemon 2008. That chick, and we all know her, is ultra retarded. She wears a monthly salary on her body and still she is not in shape and everyone knows it! Anyways.. while we're at new things I will mention my Chiropractor experience for my back injury is going fantastic! I'm improving and that is neat, especially for something I didn't even believe worked before. I also have my wedding dress right now sitting in my closet looking incredibly hot, and won't be on my Flickr as "news" for a little bit. Sorry!

I added another facial expression pic however, which I like to think is probably the best WTF-face I've ever encountered.

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