Welcome, new strips!
Never meet your neighbors
Fights with Inanimate Objects
More to come between now and next year sometime. Or whenever I say so, basically.
Also you might/might not notice I put a link down on the side under Informative Entertainment for an album I'm listening to called Brad Sucks... I don't know what I'm doing. I emailed him, he said it was ok.
You can listen to the entire album, download it, whatever. I got the whole thing off his site, it's good. The first track is my favourite. And, though it has nothing to do with the music, I'd like to think if I ever made an album (which would never happen) that I would have named it the same thing. Except my band wouldn't be Ann Sucks, it would be Ann is Terrible. It's classier.
If you haven't voted, don't forget to vote for my eBay poll from yesterday's post.
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