[RE: searching asgoodasitgets on icerocket.com]
kevin says:
well, sometimes the good names are taken
Ann-Marie... says:
ya well, asshole-jerks is still available
kevin says:
are you trying to suggest something?
Ann-Marie... says:
no of course not
Ann-Marie... says:
im just saying anyone with similar ideas as me are complete fucking assholes
kevin says:
kevin says:
for some reason everyone really hates amanda
Ann-Marie... says:
Ann-Marie... says:
i wonder what happened to amanda after march of 2000?
kevin says:
maybe someone murdered her
Ann-Marie... says:
or she died of being a bitch
Ann-Marie... says:
nevermind i figured out what amanda died of
Ann-Marie... says:
"3:13 pm
some kid gave me pills today , i took them im not sure what they were"
Apparently when it comes to originality, I act like I invetned it. While I am here I might as well just get something off my chest in a similar nobody-else-cares-about-it-but-me sort of way. It bothers me to no end when people count down to things longer than 30 days max. on their stupid msn/whatever messenger. 30 is pushing it, 29, 28, 16.. all fine, I suppose. But I'm talking about the really really long countdowns. Yanno, the ones that last longer than most High School relationships? Here's what I think:
First of all, by doing this you're indirectly assuming I really care that it's 108 whatever days till you do whatever it is that probably doesn't involve me. I don't. Not even in that "I'm happy for you" kinda way. You ruined it. Secondly, any shred of interest I do have is when your countdown will actually be done so I don't have to see it anymore. Third of all, 100 days? 60 days? 48 days? ... are you really, honestly, in need of that kind of extensive countdown? Will you forget otherwise? "OH my god.. my necessary heart surgery is tomorrow?!! I totally forgot." I get it, maybe you enjoy the tediousness of changing that little number every day. Motivation to keep waking up in the morning, maybe. If so, I have a job you'd really like; pick out 1024 pieces of fluff from my sweaters. Not 1025, or 1023. And I want you to count as you do it... as to notify me you're still doing what I asked you to do. If you're paying attention this is my fourth point, I have a way to make both our lives a whole lot simpler... "Hi friends, I just wanted you to know (this event) is happening on (this date). And I'm pretty excited about it!" Or just count down the last actual month it's happening. I'm down with excitement, I am. Just don't piss me off, ok, 86 days?
This is why I have two categories on my msn. My Peeps & Not My Peeps. I will fucking de-peeps you so fast if you incorporate a countdown like this. Just saying.
Oh and by the way, congrats to Monica who's moving to Europe, apparently, on August 3rd.
I hope I don't forget somehow.
Speaking of forgetting things, I can't believe you left out the part about the death pills.
Ann-Marie... says:
i wonder what happened to amanda after march of 2000?
kevin says:
maybe someone murdered her
Ann-Marie... says:
or she died of being a bitch
Ann-Marie... says:
nevermind i figured out what amanda died of
Ann-Marie... says:
"3:13 pm
some kid gave me pills today , i took them im not sure what they were"
kevin says:
kevin says:
death pills, apparently
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