Wednesday, August 28

It's the future, everybody!

I've already discussed my intricate emotional turmoil that is the school year of 2013-14.  We will leave that as it is, no point in reliving my nightmare!

Tangent: is it just me or do you clearly remember writing the year 199_ still in your own notebooks?  I'm just saying, sometimes I feel like the date just doesn't sound right... I'm pretty sure 2013 was the date someone gave of the 'future' in about 7,000 movies.

Moving on.. so is back soon.  If anything brings me joy, other than the obvious sweater weather and fall leaves coming our way, it's the excited faces of 'the first day' and our photos of said day.  I found a really cute free back to school printable to share for their first day photo.

Free Back to School signs @ Oh So Printable

I am printing some for our New 2 Grade 2 'back to school' sleepover party this Friday (or slumber party, my son insists on calling it) along with Loot Bag favours from Mabel's Labels and some other fun stuff you will have to tune into next time to check out!

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