Tuesday, April 6

My birthday week rundown

I hope everyone had a great long/easter weekend. I'm currently eating way too many coloured chocolates and I'm not sure if we got a weird batch, but a lot of them look like my favourite comparison of the week, 'the rock of Gibraltar'. I have no idea why mind immediately goes there but it does so I'm going with it!

seen here, being rock-like

I haven't updated since my birthday so I'll mention it was really great! Sean took me out to Spencers for dinner. It was SO good there, I loved it! We need to head back there in summer weather to sit outside. There were a few people who braved it even though it was not very comfortable - one of which was a very old Italian or Jewish woman, I couldn't tell. She was with her son and was so funny.. she put on her "rouge" right there while talking to the waitress ..aka was rubbing lipstick on her cheeks. Then she kissed the waitress as they were leaving. That is some friendly patronage.

After dinner hanging out above the boardwalk!

Also picked up a Wii fit during some post-dinner shopping. The next day we spent the day at the park with one of my friends and her kiddos, and almost all of us came back with mild face sunburns lol. Brooke came by with two bottles of super cool wine and we used the Wii fit for drunken fun. My fave was an aerobic Lady Gaga class and then I accompanied Brooke on a faux jog, wine glass in hand. Now I kind of want to do that to someone in the park, yanno, like "oh hey man.. how's it going? so nice out huh? sorry am I spilling some of this on your shoes? that's not going to come out".

Friday was the march birthday dinner with my Dad's side of the family, it was really great to see them all again. Lots of kiddos going to be around this time next year!

Saturday we were doing house reno-stuff; I mostly stayed outside with Gabe until the clean-up. Later on that night we had Sean's mum over for ice cream cake, and then a couple (old and new) friends over for a super late dinner at a SUPER Italian place.

Yes that is a picture of a Ferrari porchetta cutter right in the middle of the restaurant. Everything there was kinda great like that, including the staff really enjoying feeding Rob for some reason. I was also a BIG fan of the huge wall of wine and the generous amount of alcohol in the Cosmos. Will be going back there hopefully a lot.

Played a few Wii fit games before I broke out the Cranium Turbo. It was nice playing with people who understood the rules.... all I'm gonna say about that! It was a good night. Sunday I don't want to talk about. Apparently Jesus rose from the dead so that people could bicker around the dinner table and talk about others when they don't think anyone is listening. Yeah.

My contribution to the sanding on Saturday, holding Sean's beer
By the way one of the cheapest and most fun presents was the Hipstamatic app for my iPhone. I've been having some fun as you can see! :) If I get any pics from my actual camera I'll flickr them for ya another time!

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