Friday, February 29
Leap Day is the best day!
I cannot tell you how much last night truly sucked. I thought I had a chest cold for the past 2 days until I fell asleep at 9pm and had massive chills and sweats all night. Chills are my most hated of all the sicks (Don't worry, puking, you will always be my number 1!) I remember one time I had the worst chills in the universe, I woke up thinking "should I die shivering in bed or die on my way to getting a sweater?" It's as if the cold was literally in my skin and I had no chance of ever getting warm again, however I decrepitly crawled around my room to find some sweaters and socks and extra pants. Anyway that's how last night was, so that memory was awesome. I don't recommend it, that's for sure.
Our search of the week is: asian girl hacked from photobucket flickr post
I don't know what this is about but that's terrible. I attempted to find a back-story here and all I came across was this chick who broke up with her boyfriend via facebook status, bragged about it on Digg, then got hacked into for basically being a stone cold bitch .. yanno. Interesting yes but she isn't asian so I don't care!
Really though, what a bitch.
Monday, February 25
My Open Letter to people who sell furniture on Craigslist
I see that you are selling your furniture on this popular website here. First of all I'd like to say thanks for not posting in the personals section and therefore not being a total weirdo. Maybe. I am someone who has a bit of experience selling/buying on Craigslist, but more than that I have tons of experience just checking out ads. I'm a curious girl, I am. So anyway I'd really like to help you out with selling your furniture so here is a little list of things I think you should know.
- Don't bother selling your "mint" 1984 Bedroom Set... just throw it away, post it in the free section or give away brownies to the next person who owns a van and can pick it up.
- If it's a particularly stunning set then go crazy and ask for $100. I do not know what land you bought your laminate, mostly mirrored, painted to "look like marble" set but my guess is the store vanished into a cloud of smoke the minute you walked out with this furniture.
- People generally like dark wood, so if yours isn't why don't you invest in refinishing it or adjust the price. That goes the same for designer chairs, couches, etc. You're on Craigslist now you fancy ass! Way to be a moron and pay $1300 for a chair, I bet you won't make that mistake again.
- In the future everyone, please, stop buying things that are all mirrored. I don't care how cool you are, or hot you are, you never need to see yourself everywhere you turn. Do you really enjoy fingerprints everywhere? I don't need my bedroom looking like a future crime scene.
- Always tell the buyer the exact condition before they come to pick this up. People don't really like surprises like a giant scratch or dent somewhere. I mean, I do, but most people don't! And since it's for furniture you really waste their time; they probably borrowed someone's van or truck for this... they think about that when low-balling you after seeing the damage, trust me.
- For buyers, this is furniture, not tickets to see Jimmy Buffet... don't offer barter items like food stamps, a rusty truck with a billion miles on it, or coupons for KFC. You'd think it'd sweeten the deal but all it really does is make people want to throw their stuff in the streets rather than sell it to you.
- If you want someone to deliver furniture be prepared to get laughed at, hung up on, or pay them a lot of money. When you buy things I'd prepare myself to go to that location as I would if I went to an actual store. Only a store charges me full prices on everything! Can you believe it?
- Lastly, using the words Antique or Vintage we all think just means old. Sell those things at flea markets, or at the very least don't try and add value to that... unless your house is a museum I am not paying extra for something "enjoyed" for many generations. If I had something Antique like that I'd call myself Indianna Jones and leave it all to obscure family members in my will.
Saturday, February 23
Search of the Week

- We already know Sayid, Kate, Jack and Hurley got off the island.
- The 5th and 6th can only be people from the manifest, so Juliet wouldn't count even if she did get off, neither would Desmond or of course any of those boat people.
- Kate has Aaron (wtf???) sooo it's safe to say Claire does not leave the island because she would never give Aaron to anyone otherwise. I don't see any likely outcome other than she probably dies, which is another reason why Kate is passing this baby off as her own.
- Sayid, who is apparently working with Ben in the future, may or may not have been included in The Six because: no one has recognized him yet, and he was working undercover. Also he was on the disappearing helicopter, if it ever makes it to the boat I don't know, but obviously the island has some sort of time travel/suspension ability (just a theory) so it is very possible might have not been counted in the rescue at all.
- John would never leave the island.
- The Korean couple would be 5th and 6th. If my theory about Sayid is true, then one more person might be included, if not then either both Jin and Sun got off, or just one, unlikely that neither got off.
- Sawyer may also be a member of The Six. He could have left with Kate, or stayed with John. Both and equal chance I'd say. He wasn't at Kate's trial though, but that could be because of his past. Who friggin knows. Though I thought Jack alluded to Kate marrying Sawyer in the super-future (of the season 2 finale). I could be wrong about that.
- Can't forget about Michael, though he may have died, especially if Walt was seen on the island (again, and I don't know what the hell is up with that). Though if Michael was part of The Six then people would have already known there were survivors a lot earlier, but they didn't. Unlikely but still counted.
- Unlikely but one or two of the unknown extra survivors could be on the list, just to SCREW us all.. that's what Lost likes to do!
- It might be Aaron, he wasn't on the manifest, but he's still a survivor OF someone who was.
Tuesday, February 19
Bad News: I killed something again
Saturday, February 16
Search of the Week

I was about to nominate the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinsons Research when I saw that the CEO made $340,534 and the actual charity grossed $8 grand for the year. Pretty expensive for all that “awareness” they provide. Even still I still think it’s a good cause so I nominated that for consideration, and also the Hole in the Wall Gang Summer Camp which helps children with cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.
Thursday, February 14
V-day? but vagina day isn't for another 6 weeks!
Tuesday, February 12
Supertramp... Superapple
— Chris McCandless

I really enjoyed watching Into the Wild recently, although it's not a new movie. I wish more that I had read it, since the story was so interesting, and I couldn't help but love the real life character of Chris McCandless. Now, I did not know anything about this story, most importantly that (major spoiler coming right now....) he died in the end. I don't think anyone can read this book or watch the movie without being fascinated with it, perhaps because you identify with him or because you don't, and really need to learn more about him. I did that, and I have to say I was honestly unnerved at the reaction some had about his life/death. That 99% of Alaskans feel like he was stupid, disrespectful of nature, inconsiderate and shouldn't be admired in any way. Sure, he read maybe a little too much Thoreau and not enough books about how to live in the wild, that's obvious... BUT to act on your idealism is romantic regardless if foolish or in this case arguably suicidal. I just simply find it unfortunate that things turned out that way for him, he could have really accomplished so much if he had survived his Great Alaskan Adventure, and I'd like to hear more stories where others have. So no I don't believe comments on his not surviving are relevant if they are made from someone's living-room computer, having not accomplished one goddamn hard thing to do in their lifetime. That or they never really had any ambition or desire to accomplish anything with themselves past get a job or get married. How fulfilling!
Saturday, February 9
Search of the Week

This week's winner: the lovely person who google'd is Ray Romano cheap?
What an excellent question, I am sure you were disappointed to end up here. I can only assume, based on absolutely no information about him, that he really is as cheap as they come and tips people with actual moron tips like "here's a tip for you, I'm 50 and I wear a digital watch, how much money do you really think I have????" or "Yeah thanks for bringing me luke-warm coffee and no sweetener, that was pretty difficult! your tip is me not killing you right now" -- FYI you should know I get all my stereotypes about life from Charles Dickens' 1893 novel A Christmas Carol.
First and second runners up: get more aids ; asian wife: searched for SIX different times!
Funny since I thought even a little aids was more than enough aids. I guess some people would like to know where they can get more. Good luck to them, I say! Get as much aids as you can carry home with you. Asian wives, too. The more the better!
I've been horribly sick the past week so that sucks. The cold, ya that sucks too. The new movie complex right by my house is awesome though.. we finally went last night. Let's just say you know you are living in the future when your local movie theater has a VIP section, a bar lounge, and a bowling alley.
Monday, February 4
Saturday was a great day, very nice weather, heavy snow though, but shockingly I didn't hurt myself too badly! Just one fall at the bottom I could have done without. By the way, who goes snowboarding and sits 2/5ths down the hill and chats on their cell phone? Just a question... ! What did you seriously have to talk about?? And why didn't I run into her?