Friday, December 28
The whole goddamn day in bed
Saturday, December 22
Merry Christmas Everybody
Wednesday, December 19
Tuesday, December 18
Hot Potato
I was cooking dinner last night and had the most random memory pop into my head about playing the game Hot Potato. You know what I'm talking about right? The plush musical potato named "Chip O'Gratten" that you throw around and everyone gets into such wild hysterical fights about who gets to be the last one holding it. It was so much fun! And that little sweating potato graphic, so cute right? When I was little I was, what's the word the daycare called me.. oh yes "saucy" and was not often allowed to play as a punishment for probably not listening to someone about something stupid I did or did not do. It was clear that this was my most favourite game so I got to sit and watch all the other kids play with "Chip". Anyways, I am almost tempted to go find this game and buy it and hold onto that hot potato as long as I feel like. Haha.
Saturday, December 15
Wrong Reaction
The biggest snow storm in recent memory is supposed to be coming tonight. On the way home from finishing our xmas shopping we heard on AM 640 that MMA fighter Ryan Gracie had died. Very sad news. Then a few minutes later the host had a guest on talking to her about how the storm tonight will leave us with the most snow in December since 1944. She reacted as if someone told her the killstorm had been upgraded to level "Blood" and has already left 53 dead, and thousands of tiny kittens homeless and freezing to death in the streets. Literally she yelled OH MY GOD!!!! lol. Yes everyone please pray for me, I will be stuck in my nice warm house all weekend wrapping presents, painting the basement, eating pizza and drinking wine.
Wednesday, December 12
Today is a production
Monday, December 10
Now that it's raining more than ever
Monday, December 3
Home Improvement 2
Thursday, November 29
Chocolate Rain Oops Paint
So last weekend we painted the livingroom! This is what it looks like. I sprained my toe in the process but it's done, it's brown, and.. I love it! We were thinking of painting it light grey, like the kitchen, but felt like that was too cool of a colour for all the sepia we had in there. It needed some punchy Chocolate Rain brown in there.
Friday, November 23
Radiator Mittens
Cousin Love
That's my family, aww. I think this is the only picture that exists of all us girl cousins together. We're going to have to have some professional black out the other blonde girl.. I have no idea who she is. lol. Oh and those "whassamatta for you" guys in the background too, ya they can go.
Thursday, November 22
Andrea is a frostitute
Sometimes I think my friend Andrea is probably the most entertaining person on earth. Every time I get a facebook message from her I piss myself just a little. She finally saw Superbad at my place last Friday night, and basically for some reason we simultaneously agreed we needed to become superbad cops. So I get this today... oh and you should know that Andrea owns a gun. A pellet gun.. but you know, she thinks she's "the shit" now hahaha.
It's probably just me but whatever, I don't say it often enough how much fun it is to know each other. And I was only half kidding about becoming superbad cops.. I think we totally should.
I'll just end this post with a joke Andrea wrote on my wall earlier this week, just for the irony that I am actually calling her hilarious.
If that doesn't remind Alaska that they hate me ....
Monday, November 19
Writers Strike
All episodes of The Daily Show are available at the network website for free by the way. They say that even if the strike ended now, getting started on production etc. we wouldn't see Heroes until January. Now they are quickly starting up a whole line of reality dating shows... let me spoil the plot for you please: someone is either old, a fake billionaire, flavor flav or a lesbian. Oh and then someone gets pissed off they got rejected and before you know it there's eyeliner everywhere. This is why I don't have cable anymore, if you're curious. All I'm saying is they better have this resolved by the time of Lost... or else.
Tuesday, November 13
Wednesday, November 7
Indiann Jones
Friday, November 2
This entry is brought to you by the abyss that is now my MacBook screen.. I have about a 3 inch window that isn't completely fucked, comparible to looking at a window with a baseball through it.
It was boughd to happen since I am careless with my things but I don't see whtat that has to do with anything... all I ask is that when I buy things they are totally indestructable! That's all!
Oh and since I cant see what I am typing, if there are any erros or spelling mistakes please comment with the correction and also leave your home address and some times you will be there. I'd really like to thank you in person, by kicking your fucking nipples off! Don't tell me you don't like that?
Monday, October 29
I'll give you a hint: it rhymes with Sitney Beers.
I have to mention that awesome cuppage on the porno wallpaper was in Marc's garage. I mean honestly tell me you've seen a garage like that. It was like a raunchy saloon, I love it. After the party was over, we played a bunch of drinking games, then Al passed out so we went to go mess with him. I wish I wasn't too drunk to figure out how to make my "princess leia" buns idea work. Instead I just brought some buns down and put them on his face. Haha.
When I get the rest of the nights pics you will see them pop up on my Flickr.
Now to stock up on candy for Wednesday.. who wants me to give out raisins and apples this year just to watch all their little pissed off faces? Just give me a reason, I'll do it!
Thursday, October 25
These are my little friends
I mentioned my uncle passed away last week, from smoking basically, and ever since I have been worried about my grandpa who is merely 6 months older than he was. I've decided that my days of not nagging about it are effectively over. It isn't in my nature to nag, I like being able to just talk to someone rationally with my concerns, but he really leaves me no choice since he is still smoking.. quite a lot. He was at my house last night for maybe 2 hours and went for 3 smokes, if that gives you some idea. Anyways! I was talking to my cousins when we initially found out my uncle died and, along with an unusually high number of family tragedies in 2007, I made the comment that I don't think the family can handle any more bad news. That is very true.
So of course I had a dream last night that my uncle Peter and my Mom died at the same time. Obviously we were all devastated. I went through a few drawers of her stuff and saw a bunch of baby clothes my mom saved of mine, like my first tee shirt "I was born at Henderson Hospital" which does actually exist in real life. Dreams really like to add that bit of reality to screw with you. My mom always keeps a billion photo albums in her room so I decided to go back for that too, or I was sure they'd be lost, and there were many pictures of us together (I'm not sure what the rush was but there was, and my grandma was annoyed with me) so as I was looking for them I realize we just walked into my mom's "viewing room" and her body is up on some level thing with a huge lace sheet over it. Kinda like a topper cake... so I look over at the creepiness of the body, and then look at my grandma who is waiting by the door when suddenly her body COMES BACK TO LIFE! We both scream and my grandma is basically immobilized by a massive shock heart attack. This is totally zombie too because my mom is now evil and muttering shit to me like I'm going to kill you, and I am being pulled towards her by something invisible. I try to crawl away but I'm stuck, I can't. I am sure my grandma can't help me because she is likely about to die herself from shock, and then I start thinking why is my mom haunting me???? That's not cool!
Ok maybe I should have mentioned the day before we were watching Planet Terror. Maybe.
Speaking of zombies. I hate union gas!!!!!! They raped us today and I .. I don't want to talk about it. Let's just say utilities are the one thing about Oakville that is horrifyingly outrageous, and they know there's nothing you're going to do about it! I should start my own "on notice" list:
- smoking
- zombies
- the gas company
Other than that everything is going just peachy. Halloween party tomorrow night! My costume is a surprise, but here's a hint (It's not red riding hood).
Tuesday, October 23
Colbert Nation
You know what, even though it's a joke, I hope he gets really close to winning. Saddest day I ever spent in America was their last election and it went something like this:
Oh man Times Square is nuts right now, this is great!.. am I at CNN live? Cool, hey, that is totally Larry Kings ass. I should call someone and see if they can see me. Wait, what? WHAT HE FUCKING WON???So sad. And apparently Colbert is already leading in the fake election on facebook. Ahead of Optimus Prime and Skeletor. Impressive! I wish we had an Optimus Primeminister :(
Friday, October 19
type www. and don't ask me why
But why don't you update every day anymore, Ann? I don't like reading the same post all week, ok. I have a strict surfing schedule and you're making poor use of my time!
This is because it takes me 3 days to write one and publish it and host all my fucking shit like an IDIOT and then I don't even want to do it anymore!! so I let it sit for another couple days because the number of things I do for fun is very limited, and this should be one of them. Computers aren't actually very fun.
So anyway, the Ill Scarlett concert was 'CAPS' AWESOME. If it weren't for blogger I would have had to get my hands shot off not to update about it. That night included a new kind of wine that had some kind of fancy poetry on it. Wine doesn't just get you drunk these days, it makes you think. We saw Melissa's huge scrapbook of Japan... like its actually just a very large scrapbook.
We headed to the concert, got waaaay too close
After I almost died 55 times, we decided to enjoy the show from a safe distance like the 25 year olds we are. lol. They were so fucking good, I don't think I've been this impressed with a band I never heard of after hearing them play since Saves the Day. My favourite part was their cover of Rhianna's Umbrella. If I could find a decent recording online I'd show you. Anyway we're going to try and see their last local shows next Friday in London and the Saturday the following weekend in T.O. because honestly, there is no way they will be able to play small venues for very much longer. They are just that damn good. Also I am dying to buy one of the shirts I saw but had no cash left for... I don't care if I have to drive to London fucking England. I say that knowing that's impossible.
BEST part was after the amazing show the lead singer, Alex, was talking to everyone at the bar.. signing things.. drinking.. you name it. Andrea, Me and Steve actually got to hang out with him for a while and it was pretty fucking cool.
Such a nice guy.. oh and maybe a little hot. I wish I could tell you what I personally talked about but basically all I recall was saying that Andrea was a bad influence. Hahaha. Hey when it's true, it's true! I think Andrea needs to marry him, or Steve.. I really don't care.
On a totally different note, this week has been pretty terrible. I won't really go into detail on it but my grandmother's brother suddenly passed and his funeral was yesterday. It was very sad since just last week was his daughters wedding we all went to, and, yeah.. not a particularly nice way to see the family again so soon. Anyhow, from now on I am probably going to update more frequently but I can't promise it won't all be about how much I dislike the gas company.
Friday, October 12
What I am really Thankful for
The past weekend was hellishly busy with the FRIDAY wedding (who does that??) and it went fine, my mother and her cross-dressing gay friend were gone before I got there. I was too tired to witness that kind of a scene anyways. We were very late which sucked but there was some food at the Midnight table and we caught up in the drinking pretty quick! Of course all the pics I have happened at the end of the night. You know that part of the night you are tempted by the infamous "devil drink" .. aka the one in the term one too many that you are pretty sure you can have, but finally pisses your liver off so much that it actually crawls out of your body and you can't find it for a few days. I didn't have one of those, and this Thanksgiving that is officially what I am thankful for!
Thanksgiving dinner went alright as well, I am just beyond tired out from it. It all feels like one big foggy drive in the woods and a day full of more food than I could name right now without taking way too long to type it. The Harvest Festival we went to was awesome, though. The longer I live here the more I really love the area. It's pretty cool to have your house be a 15 minute drive from this.
Andrea and I are headed to the Ill Scarlett show tonight @ La Luna. I really love seeing bands there, so it should be fun.....annnnnd I need to get ready actually so I'm going to go now. The rest of the weekend I will be doing what I want to do most. NOTHING AT ALL :) Yaaaay.
Wednesday, October 3
I dunno... One?
Reminds me of one time I called the police on my mom for something stupid, because I just learned it that day in school. Really, why teach kids 911 at all?? haha. Oh right, to save lives.
So just to let you know I am in HATE with all things blogger and wordpress related. I am trying to convert this site back to easy-peasy street and it seems to not be working out. Lesson learned: don't fix something that isn't broken. But this was such a cool layout, wasn't it? Well anyway that's what is with all the delay. To catch up I will just tell you 5 random events that occurred.
1. Rob and Manon came over for dinner on Thursday. We had some late conversation, they brought me the best Italian wine ever, and I made my creamy carbonera, green beans and rainbow cake for dessert. I am glad they enjoyed it, and I had fun too.
2. Rob gave me his old camera, so I have one now! Yay for that! It was my main motivation to make a really yummy dinner since he absolutely refused to let me give him any money. How nice is he, seriously... so all I had left was making him eat my food. You simply can't refuse food! It's not gentlemanly.
3. I am still learning to use the camera .. but it came in handy when we went shopping Saturday afternoon. A bunch of Hockey players were dressed in women's clothes and doing poll dancing in the food court. I went "omg where is my camera!" as usual but this time I said OH HERE IT IS! *click*
4. I have been using my camera phone, shittily, whenever I saw stuff like this happen.
These are two of them. A van who put a decal of Newfoundland on his back window, and an old Austin Mini Cooper with station wagon wood paneling. I doubt I will see either ever again but for the first one I especially hope I don't. I wonder how that conversation went at the Auto Body place.
Newfie - I see on your sign here that you do window tinting
Auto Guy - That's right, window tinting and decals.. we have a special on right now
Newfie - Well I do love my van. Hmm, can you make me one that is an outline of the province of Newfoundland?
Auto Guy - Yes.. sadly.. we can
do that
Newfie - GREAT!
5. I am in love with this... oh how I would wear you everyday! We would have so much fun.
but I found out it costs a ridiculous $160-$200.. so we can never be :( </3
Wednesday, March 21
Mommy's Little Helper
Here's a pic from Maria's wedding that I got off Antonella, of the bridal party. Cute, aren't we? Notice how many drinks are in front of me and Antonella compared to everyone else.
Anyhow I didn't end up going out for St. Patty's.. but, I say yay to that! Honestly I don't know how obvious it was or not but I was still very hung over from my sticky-note night before and not everybody could come out anyway, it turned out, so we saved it for this weekend (my birthday.)
If you're hard up for gift ideas, I just recently discovered seeing as I'm a compulsive online browser. Even if something was 2 cents I would still have to think about it before making a purchase. You find all kinds of stuff on there that people recommend that they've bought/used, like Patron Silver Tequila! With the utterly terrible member recommendation by "Jezebel" where she simply comments "mommy's little helper" .. just wow. I think Maury did a show based on mothers who buy alcohol online. Or he should.
It might be hard to believe after this post but about 99% of everything I do isn't alcohol related, but I'm just on such a roll right now I'm going to stop here.
Friday, March 16
Note to self:
That's right, I actually scolded myself in the future for getting a hangover! The worst part is I can't even argue! unless I have a time machine.. and I'm pretty sure mine is currently broken. Good advice though.
This on the eve of St. Patty's, the vomiting holiday! And my first pub crawl, wish me luck.. maybe I should bring sticky-notes with me.
Sunday, March 11
It's better to un-impress then to under-impress
"Hey can you hold on, I've been looking for my cell phone the entire time we've been talking and I can't find it anywhere!"
The night started a little late, which was a great indicator of how late it would be. At 10pm we drove out to St. Catherines, pretty much just to change our minds about waiting in line somewhere (we don't DO lines!) and went to see the band "The Feels" As you can see from my pictorial evidence Andrea took over my cell phone by this point because hers died, probably from embarrassment because she couldn't find it while she was talking on it. I mean if I were a cell phone I would probably die if that happened to me. She's crazy! Haha. Then we went to Moffort's around 3am-4am (if you count the new daylight savings) and Scott was really nice treated us to some chicken shwarma.
I'm not sure exactly why or how but I fail at eating shwarma, by the way. I fail at it as much as Andrea fails at talking on the phone.. which is, without a doubt, 100% completely.
Fun fun night.
Saturday, March 10
Happy Birthday Rob
I got this for my friend Rob for his birthday, but then I got stuck in an elevator shaft and I had to use it and the moons gravitational pull to get myself out. I hope he didn't need it. Happy Birthday! And I'm sorry I couldn't make it out to your dinner tonight but apparently instead I am going to be an escort in the drunker half of a girl on girl twosome. It's what Rob would have wanted....
i have to go to a bar in st. kitt's to meet a friend but i am not staying late. but i didn't want to go alone b/c i want to drive myself so i can leave whenever i want
do u want to be my escort?
btw i'm lesbian now
but don't worry i only date black women
for sure. ah damn, my dreams crushed again! i already bought a flannel shirt just in case.