Oh man Times Square is nuts right now, this is great!.. am I at CNN live? Cool, hey, that is totally Larry Kings ass. I should call someone and see if they can see me. Wait, what? WHAT HE FUCKING WON???So sad. And apparently Colbert is already leading in the fake election on facebook. Ahead of Optimus Prime and Skeletor. Impressive! I wish we had an Optimus Primeminister :(
But why don't you update every day anymore, Ann? I don't like reading the same post all week, ok. I have a strict surfing schedule and you're making poor use of my time!
The past weekend was hellishly busy with the FRIDAY wedding (who does that??) and it went fine, my mother and her cross-dressing gay friend were gone before I got there. I was too tired to witness that kind of a scene anyways. We were very late which sucked but there was some food at the Midnight table and we caught up in the drinking pretty quick! Of course all the pics I have happened at the end of the night. You know that part of the night you are tempted by the infamous "devil drink" .. aka the one in the term one too many that you are pretty sure you can have, but finally pisses your liver off so much that it actually crawls out of your body and you can't find it for a few days. I didn't have one of those, and this Thanksgiving that is officially what I am thankful for!
Thanksgiving dinner went alright as well, I am just beyond tired out from it. It all feels like one big foggy drive in the woods and a day full of more food than I could name right now without taking way too long to type it. The Harvest Festival we went to was awesome, though. The longer I live here the more I really love the area. It's pretty cool to have your house be a 15 minute drive from this.
Andrea and I are headed to the Ill Scarlett show tonight @ La Luna. I really love seeing bands there, so it should be fun.....annnnnd I need to get ready actually so I'm going to go now. The rest of the weekend I will be doing what I want to do most. NOTHING AT ALL :) Yaaaay.
1. Rob and Manon came over for dinner on Thursday. We had some late conversation, they brought me the best Italian wine ever, and I made my creamy carbonera, green beans and rainbow cake for dessert. I am glad they enjoyed it, and I had fun too.
2. Rob gave me his old camera, so I have one now! Yay for that! It was my main motivation to make a really yummy dinner since he absolutely refused to let me give him any money. How nice is he, seriously... so all I had left was making him eat my food. You simply can't refuse food! It's not gentlemanly.
3. I am still learning to use the camera .. but it came in handy when we went shopping Saturday afternoon. A bunch of Hockey players were dressed in women's clothes and doing poll dancing in the food court. I went "omg where is my camera!" as usual but this time I said OH HERE IT IS! *click*
4. I have been using my camera phone, shittily, whenever I saw stuff like this happen.
These are two of them. A van who put a decal of Newfoundland on his back window, and an old Austin Mini Cooper with station wagon wood paneling. I doubt I will see either ever again but for the first one I especially hope I don't. I wonder how that conversation went at the Auto Body place.
Newfie - I see on your sign here that you do window tinting
Auto Guy - That's right, window tinting and decals.. we have a special on right now
Newfie - Well I do love my van. Hmm, can you make me one that is an outline of the province of Newfoundland?
Auto Guy - Yes.. sadly.. we can
do that
Newfie - GREAT!
5. I am in love with this... oh how I would wear you everyday! We would have so much fun.
but I found out it costs a ridiculous $160-$200.. so we can never be :( </3
"Hey can you hold on, I've been looking for my cell phone the entire time we've been talking and I can't find it anywhere!"
i have to go to a bar in st. kitt's to meet a friend but i am not staying late. but i didn't want to go alone b/c i want to drive myself so i can leave whenever i want
do u want to be my escort?
btw i'm lesbian now
but don't worry i only date black women
for sure. ah damn, my dreams crushed again! i already bought a flannel shirt just in case.